Superhero-Level Security Features

For marketing teams who need to focus on creativity without the worry of security risks, Scritta is your trusty shield.

Our Comprehensive Security Features

We prioritize your data’s safety with state-of-the-art encryption, safeguarding sensitive information from unauthorized access.

Data Protection

With Scritta, your data enjoys a high level of protection, ensuring it’s secure at all times.

Continuous Monitoring

Regular security updates keep us ahead of potential threats, providing constant vigilance.

Secure Infrastructure

Our infrastructure is equipped with the latest security protocols, ensuring a strong and reliable foundation for data safety.

Global Standards

Our dedication to compliance allows you to focus on your marketing efforts, knowing your data is secure and regulatory requirements are followed.

Used by over thousands of brands all over the world

…and many more

"With Scritta, we can focus on our marketing strategies without worrying about security."

Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith

CEO of Framer

AI Security

At Scritta, we firmly believe that your data belongs to you. We never use your content to train our AI models, ensuring complete privacy and confidentiality.

This commitment means your proprietary information and creative assets remain protected and solely under your control.

Ready to get started?

Sign up for a free trial and experience how Scritta can safeguard your data with integrity and unmatched security.